The holy town of Palani was readying itself to witness a grand event, Thaipusam. The colourful procession of deities and music reverberating in the air, the temple city wore a festive look. Among the many devotees pouring into the town, there was one who came Thrissur, Kerala. While camping at the premises of his friend, Sri Muthu Iyer, he happened to listen to a music recital. The singer, the song and the divinity that prevailed all over was indescribable. This devotee was so much absorbed in the song that he forgot himself for a while. He felt that he was already experiencing now, the divinity that he was aspiring for atop the holy hill. He felt that by being before an enlightened sage and singer is a greater experience than by being before an idol. He felt that the God he aspired to see with a Dhanda (staff) at sanctum sanctorum was present right before him as a Guru.
This devotee did not know the meaning of the song he was hearing, but he felt an inexplicable power behind it. There was something in those lyrics that captivated him. As soon as the saint-singer completed his recital, this devotee went straight towards him and same to know that the song was Thiruppugazh, the songs composed by sage Arunagirinathar. This devotee then made an unusual request to the singer: “Would you please come down to my home at Thrissur”? Normally, a saint who has come from long distance with some engagements to fulfil may not agree to an unscheduled visit. Yet, this saint said “Yes”. The saint-singer who came over to Thrissur and initiated the family members of the devotee to Thiruppugazh form of worship was Calcutta Thiruppugazh Mani Iyer and the devotee who was blessed to imbibe the nectar of Thiruppugazh was my father, Sri V.M. Subramania Iyer. The whole family adopted Thiruppugazh form of worship and wherever they went, they carried the small Thiruppugazh book which symbolized their Thiruppugazh culture and devotion to Lord Muruga.
Arunagirinathar said: “Come as Guru and grace us all” (Guruvai Varuvai Arulvai Guhane). Lord Muruga came as Guru in different forms. It is a great linage from Sri Sachidananda Swamigal, Sri Chengalvaryan, Sri T.M. Krishnaswamy Iyer, Guruji Sri Raghavan. Lord Muruga also came in the form of Sri Ramana Maharshi and extolled the importance of Atma Jnana (the Self knowledge).

This website is a humble attempt to follow the path of devotion Sri Arunagirinathar has shown and the path of knowledge (Jnana) which Sri Ramana Maharshi has shown. Let us immerse ourselves in devotion and elevate ourselves to realization that the God we seek resides right in the abode of our heart.