There are two things an individual is normally engaged in; either his body is busy doing something or his mind is engaged in thinking something. Seldom does he remain as ‘himself’, free from all influences. Seldom does he remain in… Continue Reading →
“There shines in holy temple of Guruvayur what at first appears to be an image but in reality, the Truth-Consciousness and Bliss, the Brahman, the Supreme, the incomparable, the incomprehensible, limitless, the ultimate end which all the scriptures, Vedas and… Continue Reading →
A saint went to Palani to worship Lord Dhandayuthapani. First, he decided to perform the Giri Pradakshinam; the act of going round the hill reciting the sacred names of the Lord. As he was walking around the hill, he was… Continue Reading →
The Self gives the consciousness by which we are able to experience our existence in all stages of life like youth, middle age and old age and in all states like deep sleep, dream and waking. Though the Consciousness reveals… Continue Reading →
Apart from the garland of songs which Arunagirinathar has weaved and offered as Thiruppugazh, he has also made beautiful garland of hymns to adore Muruga. While the garland of songs hailed the Lord and sought His grace, the garland of… Continue Reading →
Most of the time, Bhagavan remained in silence. Sometime, he did not give reply and sometime he gave reply after few days, but at all times he gave the reply in short and in few words. Sri Venkataramiah who moved… Continue Reading →
Overwhelmed in devotion, Muthamma, a pious lady of Tiruvannamalai, prayed that she should be blessed with a child who would excel not only in her devotion but also in knowledge. It was sometime in 15th century and the God she… Continue Reading →
While Sri Arunagirinathar weaved many garlands of songs (Paamalai) and offered them to different manifestations of God, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi made a garland of letters (Aksharamana Malai) and offered them to Lord Arunachala. While Arunagirinathar rendered over 16,000 songs… Continue Reading →
The Thiruppugazh wave created by Guruji swept across the nation and abroad. His disciples and followers have increased multi-fold. Those who learned direct from Guruji carried the Thiruppugazh tradition forward. Those who moved over to other places started conducting classes… Continue Reading →
A true devotee is identified by the sacred ash (Vibhuti) applied on his fore-head. Vibhuti symbolizes pure devotion. Another name for Vibhuti is Bhasmam which means remains of fire. Just as the material substance is destroyed in fire, any evil… Continue Reading →
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